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Learn From Seasoned Mentors

Level up workforce knowledge and skills. We are eager to provide your teams with the mentoring essential to helping them achieve their full potential.

Meet the Team

Kathy Najafi

Kathy Najafi is an EdD doctoral candidate and holds a MAELT (Masters in English Language Teaching) from Reading University, London, U.K. She has extensive ESL/EFL teaching experience in the United Arab Emirates, Iran, and the United States. Besides teaching all English subject areas, Kathy is a published author, editor, translator, and curriculum developer.

She is the author of numerous VESL manuals for both Houston Community College and Lone Star College. Ms. Najafi is also the creator, co-producer, and host of HCCTV's “Bridging Cultures”. Kathy enjoys presenting and providing workshops on Cross-Cultural Awareness and Intercultural Communication. She is currently a professor at Houston Community College.

Dr. Shelly Bazemore

Dr. Shelly Bazemore is a 30-year veteran teacher in PK-12 instruction, from Special Education Teacher and Administrator to Director of K-12 Instruction to Assistant Superintendent for Administration, Operations, and Personnel. She has also worked with university students over the past 6 years through the Bachelor of Education, Masteral, and Doctoral Programs of Educational Leadership at Virginia State University.

She also formally worked with the Longwood University Educational Leadership Endorsement Program and worked with pre-service teachers and administrators, as well as their clinical supervisors at Grand Canyon University’s Bachelors and Master’s Degree, and Field Experience Programs.

Dr. Shelly is currently the Coordinator of Field/Clinical Placements and Special Projects in the College of Education at Virginia State University (VSU) where she assists with all education field experiences. She particularly focuses on the student-teacher relationships with cooperating teachers for clinical placements, observations/evaluations of those student teachers, and the acquisition and documentation of the student-teacher knowledge prior to graduation and licensure.

She has served as the Virginia Association of School Personnel Administrators- Legislative Chair, Member-at-Large, and Vice-President, President. She currently serves as the Past-President of VASPA.

Set Up an Appointment

Feel free to discuss your capacity building requirements with us. To request a conference, contact us at Jae-9’s Educational Consultant in Peoria, Illinois. 

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